Ivy's Hope

In Memory of Ivy Addison Woehlhaff
June 15, 2019 - June 15, 2019
Fly high, dragonfly!
Dedicated to bringing awareness to infant and pregnancy loss.
After a seemingly normal pregnancy, I started having contractions around 7:30pm on Saturday, June 15th at 38 weeks gestation. We arrived to the hospital around 10:50pm & my water broke in the lobby at 10:55pm. I remember thinking that everything was progressing very quickly. Soon we would be welcoming our precious, healthy baby girl - or so we thought.
I will never forget the looks the nurses were giving each other as they hooked up the doppler. I was in and out of contractions but could sense something was not quite right. They told me that babies sometimes like to hide and they couldn't get a good heartbeat reading. They told us they were going to put a sensor on the top of Ivy's head to find her heartbeat. Then they put an oxygen mask on me.
The first sensor sounded like it had interference, or so they said. They were going to get a second sensor to try. When the doctor went to place the second sensor I was ready to push. I pushed twice and Ivy was born at 11:16pm.
I looked at Erick and asked "why isn't she crying?" and then I heard the words that will be burned into my head for all eternity, "I am so sorry."
We did not know Ivy did not have a heartbeat until she was physically born. Hopes and dreams were torn away from us in a matter of seconds. There are no medical reasons to explain why Ivy's heart stopped beating that day. We will honor her for the rest of our lives!
Ivy's Hope is in memory of Ivy Addison Woehlhaff